Donation Refund Policy

If you have made an error in making your donation or change your mind about contributing to SpiritLove Ministries, International Church, we will honor your request for a refund made within 15 days of your donation.

To request a refund, email us at Refunds are returned using the original method of payment. If you made your donation by credit card, your refund will be credited to that same credit card.

Recurring Donation Change or Stop Policy

To change or stop your monthly recurring giving, please email us at

Recurring Donation Refund Policy

Donors have the option to give recurring donations. SpiritLove Ministries, International Church will be able to refund the previous months donations only. See Donation Refund Policy above.

Overpayment or Error Refund Policy

Where an error has been made bySpiritLove Ministries, International Church or a banking facility which results in an overpayment being made, SpiritLove Ministries, International Church may, in consultation with the donor refund by either a credit of the overpayment to the donor, or alternatively by check for the full amount of the overpayment. Checks will be sent within 30 days to the donor’s on file address.